API Conf 2018 - Product Management for Engineers

Last week I attended and spoke at the 2018 API Conference in Berlin.

Having written about the topic before, my talk was titled: Your API as a Product - Thinking like a Product Manager (really aimed at engineers/architects/technologists).

It was recorded, so hopefully I will be able to share the video in the future, but the thrust of the talk was based around the concept that we are all building products on some level, and even if we don't have direct input into a commercial product that we might be writing code for, we have some output: code, bug reports, designs etc. So it makes sense, if we are all building products, and those products will all have users and therefore a user experience (your code, bug reports, design docs etc will be used by others, or maybe you yourself will be the user), that we try and learn from the discipline of Product Management, as it is focussed on building better products and better user experiences for the end users.

Slides are below, and really your best bet is to scroll down to the references section at the end and start watching the real Product Managers' talks.