Configuring Gradle publishing with AWS S3

Using S3 as a remote maven repository can provide a cost effective alternative to some of the hosted solutions available - admittedly you won’t get tooling like Artifactory sitting on top of the repository, but if you are used to using your own privately hosted remote maven repositories, then the S3 solution is a good option if you want to move it off premises.

Thankfully, the more modern versions of Gradle come with good support for AWS built in - if you are using Gradle pre-version 3 or so, then some of these may not be available, but given we are approaching Gradle 7, then it’s probably a good time to upgrade your tooling.

Out of the box, publishing to an S3 bucket is incredibly easy, but of course, you will want to secure your bucket so its not open for the world to push their artifacts to - and Gradle combined with the AWS SDK make this pretty simple.

If you want Gradle to push to S3 using the normal profile credential chain (checking env vars before using default credentials etc) then its really easy:
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name "s3-repo"
url "s3://MY_BUCKET_NAME/maven-repo"
authentication {
The above approach, running gradle publish will attempt to publish the artifact to a maven repo in the named S3 bucket, and will look locally on the host machine for AWS credentials - this will require that you have default credentials set.

Now this might not always be ideal, if for example you are running on a machine whereby you have default credentials set to some other account (not the dev tooling account where you are hosting the maven repo) and you don’t want to have to change the default credentials just to push stuff to maven. As you will have seen in the AWS docs around the profile credential chain, you can override the default profile using an environment variable AWS_PROFILE - which is a possible solution but not ideal for a couple reasons:

  1. Users have to remember to set it if they want to avoid using default credentials

  2. It isn’t very granular - setting the env var at gradle runtime (by exporting/set the variable on the command line before running the gradle command) sets the variable for the entire gradle task(s) being run - there maybe situations where you want finer control and need to use different credentials for AWS for different jobs (I have seen this requirement in real world code)

  3. Dealing with environment variables in Gradle doesn't have great support - some tasks can set them easily, others not so much (publish, for example, doesn’t support it)

Thankfully, there is still a trivial mechanism to override this - although it took me a while to stumble upon this solution - most stackoverflow questions and gradle issue discussions mostly have examples using the environment variables.

The following will use the named credentials “buildtool” on the host machine to publish. Of course, this is a simple string hardcoded, but this could be passed in using other custom arguments, sidestepping the need for env vars if you wanted to override it (create a custom -D JVM argument, for example, to override - which is much more granular and specific to your usage and much better support on Gradle).

Note you also need to import the AWS SDK to use this one:
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
initscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core:1.11.5'
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name "s3-repo"
ext {
awsCredentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider("buildtool").credentials
url "s3://MY_BUCKET_NAME/maven-repo"
credentials(AwsCredentials) {
accessKey awsCredentials.AWSAccessKeyId
secretKey awsCredentials.AWSSecretKey