Everything you need to know about Android ListViews and CheckBoxes!

10:46 AM , , 2 Comments

I have recently been developing a simple Shopping list application in Android and for the list itself, I wanted to have a list of all the items i wanted to buy with a checkbox on the far right so that I could mark any item as complete - on ticking the checkbox I wanted two things to happed:

1. The item displayed becomes struck through
2. The tick is persisted (in case I navigate anway from the app and want to come back later, i dont want to re-tick things)

I searched everywhere to find a solution, and posted on StackOverflow but managed to find no solution as to how I could implement a Checkbox listener that could work out which row in the list had been ticked. Fortunately, with some help from here I have managed to solve the problem - So here is a detailed walkthrough how to do it! This covers how to do it using a custom Adapter, in this case I extended the ArrayAdapter as I like to work with JSON - but the approach should be valid for most Adapter implementations.

The first problem people encounter, that is already pretty well documented on the web is that if you put a checkbox on a listview row, then you can no longer click on the row (for the context menu for example) as all focus is on the check box - this is easily fixed! in the getView() method, simply initialise the CheckBox and call checkBox.setFocusable(false);

Now to the problem of discovering the row that has been selected:

1. First, in the getView() method whilst we are populating the row data (for example here we set the text in the textview) we will add a "Tag" to our checkbox - this tag will indicate the row position that the CheckBox belongs to:

 checkBox.setTag(new Integer(position)); //we tag every checkbox we create with the row number for later

2. Next we set the OnCheckChangedListener - this could be a seperate class, but for ease of this overview I just changed my Adapter to implement the listener and added the required onCheckChange method

 checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); //define the listener (we will use this class but could be another)

3. Now we need to implement the listener method to use this information:

  public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton cb, boolean isChecked) {
  //first we need to work out the row selected - we can do this as we have already tagged the CheckBox
  Integer posSelected = (Integer)cb.getTag();
  //We can now get the associated JSONObject (we might want to persist some data here..)
  JSONObject checked = getItem(posSelected);
  //now we will retrieve the current row selected so we can change the appearance
  View row = (View) cb.getParent();
  //once we have the row, we are going to change the TextView field as strikethrough (or not) if it is checked
  TextView descrip = (TextView)row.findViewById(R.id.item_description);
  if (isChecked){
   descrip.setPaintFlags(descrip.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);

As you can see, as we have the CheckBox in this listener, we can get its tag to discover the row position clicked - this allows us to access the JSONObject associated with the row and use that data as we please (here I persist the change to the checkbox so it is remembered).

We can also get the entire row, this allows us to change the text/formatting/background etc - you will see that I get the TextView (this is the textView that has my item description) and then strike it through (or remove formatting) if it is checked.

Below is the entire adapter class:

public class ShoppingListItemsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter implements OnCheckedChangeListener {
 public ShoppingListItemsAdapter(Activity activity, List shoppingLists) {
  super(activity, 0, shoppingLists);
 public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

  Activity activity = (Activity) getContext();
  LayoutInflater inflater = activity.getLayoutInflater();

  // Inflate the views from XML
  View rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.shopping_list_item_view, null);
  JSONObject jsonCurrentRow = getItem(position);

  //The next section we update at runtime the text - as provided by the JSON being passed in
  // Set the text on the TextView
  TextView textView = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.item_description);
  //initialise the checkbox
  CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)rowView.findViewById(R.id.boughtCheck);
  checkBox.setFocusable(false);  //this is so the onLongClick on the row still works!
  checkBox.setTag(new Integer(position)); //we tag every checkbox we create with the row number for later
  checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); //define the listener (we will use this class but could be another)
  try {
   //populating the row with data from the JSONObject
   String title = (String)jsonCurrentRow.get("title");
  } catch (JSONException e) {
   textView.setText("JSON Exception");
  return rowView;

  * This method is our checkbox change listener - this is where
  * we handle the changes in the checkbox state
 public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton cb, boolean isChecked) {
  //first we need to work out the row selected - we can do this as we have already tagged the CheckBox
  Integer posSelected = (Integer)cb.getTag();
  //We can now get the associated JSONObject (we might want to persist some data here..)
  JSONObject checked = getItem(posSelected);
  //now we will retrieve the current row selected so we can change the appearance
  View row = (View) cb.getParent();
  //once we have the row, we are going to change the TextView field as strikethrough (or not) if it is checked
  TextView descrip = (TextView)row.findViewById(R.id.item_description);
  if (isChecked){
   descrip.setPaintFlags(descrip.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
   descrip.setPaintFlags(Constants.CLEAR_FORMATTING_TEXTVIEW); //this is a bit of a hack! to remove strike through the normal setting is 257 so I created a constant for this, you could just pass the int literal 257 in here to clear formatting